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-You, the seller, must have all your equipment tagged when you arrive. No straight skis please.
-This tag must include: Type and brand of equipment, model, size, color, price, your name, your phone #, and, if
you will accept an e-transfer (cash is preferred), your e-mail address on a letter size envelope. Please keep prices
in denominations of $5. Here is what the envelope should look like if you are selling your skis:

Volkl – Six Stars - Skis
161cm/Black, lime green

$ 200.00
Your name & phone #
Your E-mail address (if you will accept an e-transfer)

This envelope must be attached to the equipment securely. This is the only way to identify the owner of the

-When someone wants to buy your equipment, they will take the equipment and envelope to a volunteer at the
checkout table. They will put the cash in the envelope or do an e-transfer if the seller agrees (cash is preferred)
and give the envelope to the volunteer. Before you leave you will go to the check out table where all the
envelopes will be, and ask if they have an envelope in your name. If your equipment didn’t sell you must take it
home the day of Ski Swap or it is considered a donation to the hill.

-You must bring cash or be prepared to do an e-transfer if the seller has agreed to it (cash is preferred). Try to
bring bills no larger than $50. There will be smaller bills available at the checkout table if needed.
-When you find a piece of equipment you would like to purchase, take the equipment with the envelope on it to
the checkout table. The volunteer will then take the envelope with your payment inside and keep it for the seller
to pick up. Transaction complete!

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AB Logo blue Spot_U - no tagline.png
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Thank-you to our funding partners for the Slope Stabilization and Snowmaking Upgrade Project

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